This post is part of our series on free resume help. Learn why the format of your resume (and cover letter) is important.
You can’t judge a book by its cover — but you can, and will, judge a resume (and cover letter!) by its appearance. A recruiter’s first glimpse at your resume can make or break your chances of getting that resume read — and seriously considered. A professional resume writer is skilled at formatting your resume to maximize three things:
You’d be surprised at how small tweaks — changing font, borders, headings, and so forth — can transform your resume into an eye-catching, easily comprehensible personal marketing document to show off your career.
A professional resume writer does something else, too: He or she maximizes the amount of information your resume is able to contain. With tricks like character spacing, margin adjustments, and strategic text editing, a professional resume writer can eliminate wasted resume “real estate” and ensure that your experience and achievements are fully represented.
Let an expert write you a job-winning green resume and cover letter.