With the aim of fomenting renewable energy within academia, the Fundación IBERDROLA, which is kept by renewable energy giant Iberdrola, has announced the first round of its program of scholarships for postgraduate studies in energy and the environment at academic centres in the United Kingdom and the United States.
A carbon cap-and-trade program launched by 10 eastern states in 2008 has generated $780 million in revenues, with more than half of those earnings funding energy efficiency programs.
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, or RGGI, says that $404 million generated by selling permits to utilities to emit
Tokyo, as the capital of Japan, has increased its research, development, and commercialization of clean technologies, especially renewable energy and energy efficiency. Ranked high on the list of cities with the largest carbon footprints, Tokyo has realized the need to lower greenhouse gas emissions and lessen the dependence on fossil fuels to run the city. Through
When people learn the facts about energy efficiency and are aware of critical energy issues, such as rising costs, dependence on foreign oil, increasing greenhouse gases and the like, they will change their energy behaviors to help save money and the earth. Sound right? Well, as it turns out it isn’t, and according to Social Psychologist Wesley Schultz, education and awareness
Over the last few years, there has been a large decrease in the crude oil production in Mexico. To counter the effects of it, the Mexican government has started to look for new venues for energy that would create less of a dependence on fossil fuels.
1) Renewable Energy Potential. The United States Department of Energy states
The broad acceptance of Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) as a measure for data center energy efficiency is to be welcomed. After all, if we don’t measure it, we won’t improve it. However, the limits of PUE are widely recognized. Amongst the most glaring anomalies is the fact that improving the efficiency of your IT equipment, without
The name of the company is Transphorm, and since its inception in 2007 it has been busy transforming the very nature of energy.
No bumps on solar cells, no cars that run on jellied jellyfish. Transphorm, emerging at the head of the class after three years of sitting in the back row, has discovered a
South Africa is listed as the most industrialized country throughout the nation of Africa. For a long time, it has been very dependent upon conventional fuels, making the nation one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases. Currently, fossil fuels provide around 70 percent of demand and accounts for around 90 percent of all the country’s power generation. South Africa
Costa Rica has made the public commitment to become the first carbon neutral country in the world by the year 2021. The current Costa Rican president has also made a promise to deliver between five and seven percent GDP growth to future generations by going forward in the pursuit of a high technology
Qatar, even though the largest global producer of gas, understands and values the importance of clean technologies, including renewable energy and energy efficiency. The Middle Eastern country has been taking many necessary strides to become a major cleantech player, including increasing its cleantech research, development, and projects, and hosting
President Barack Obama’s chief science advisor, Professor John Holdren has stated that it is unlikely that congress will pass a bill that will put a tax on carbon emissions.
Speaking at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Holdren admitted that President Obama would have to focus his efforts on improving energy efficiency, increasing
Why President Obama’s Better Buildings Initiative Doesn’t Work for Multifamily
You might think by this headline that I’m about to rant about the news regarding energy efficiency policy that was circulating last week. President Obama outlined a plan called the Better Buildings Initiative to incentivize energy efficiency in commercial buildings during his visit to Penn State. Actually, I want to explain why multifamily energy management struggles with this
Singapore has emerged as Asia’s greenest city thanks to a host of ambitious environmental programs and green initiatives, according to a new report.
The Asia Green City Index — conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit and funded by Siemens — evaluated the environmental performance of 22 Asian
A recent Harris Interactive poll conducted among Fortune 1000 companies found that nearly 90 percent of Fortune 1000 senior executives feel a moral responsibility to make their companies more energy efficient. According to the study, respondents felt it was their moral responsibility to cut energy use, beyond the ethical imperative to follow regulatory