Shale gas is being widely tapped in the U.S., but whether and to what extent other countries,―particularly in Europe and China,― will adopt it remains unclear. Although estimates vary as to how much of this unconventional and controversial fuel is bound up in domestic shale formations, natural-gas prices are likely to remain low for the time being. In this interview, Harvard Business
energy markets
It’s easy to get the impression that technology game-changers happen in a near flash. And the stories of Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Apple leave us thinking that genius pops right out of the dorm room.
But in the energy industry it’s not that easy. The innovation we see today often stems from years of
Recently many states have chosen to deregulate their energy markets. This means that homeowners and consumers can choose who generates the power that they use. This is done in part to lower utility prices and to let competition drive the more or less monopolized market. At the moment there are 28 states that have deregulated either electricity, natural gas or both. In a