A Green technology brainstorm is headed for the IT world as International Green IT Awareness Week running from the 1 – 7 June 2013 aims to shine a spotlight on Green IT and pave the way for organizations and individuals to initiate, promote and support Green IT discussions and action.
green IT
According to CBS Money Watch, homes and businesses release more CO2 into the environment than cars do. What is the solution to reducing the ecological footprint we leave on the environment? Well, everyone needs to do their part. Homeowners need to build greener homes, students and consumers need to become energy and environmentally conscious, but business
In many academic, policy and business circles, the term “clean tech” is synonymous with renewable energy. While renewable energy technologies such as solar, wind and biofuel are a critical component of a more sustainable world, the race to lead in their development has the U.S. pulling up lame. Political games and malign neglect continue to stall comprehensive clean