This post is part of our series on free resume help. Learn why the format of your resume (and cover letter) is important.
You can’t judge a book by its cover — but you can, and will, judge a resume (and cover letter!) by its appearance. A recruiter’s first glimpse at your resume can make or break your chances of getting that resume read — and seriously considered. A professional resume writer is skilled at formatting your resume to maximize three things:
green resume
For entry-level job seekers, resume writing seems like a catch-22: You need a resume to get a job, but you need experience to put on a resume. How are you supposed to show that despite your lack of professional experience you’re ready to jump in and make an impact? Entry-level resumes do look different from resumes for professionals with extensive experience, but many of the same resume-writing principles apply. Here are a few tips for how to package yourself effectively as you start your job search.
1. Emphasize your education.
On resumes for established professionals, educational details are generally presented as the final section, after the details on career history. The reason for this is that once you’ve been out of school for a while, your professional track record matters more in defining what you’ve done and what you’re capable of doing in the future. If you’ve just graduated, however, it makes more sense to highlight your education up front, including the date of graduation. This positions you as a promising new candidate ready to go out and make a difference.
In a professionally written resume (whether it is a green resume or a general professional resume), the accomplishments for each of your previous positions will be clearly highlighted to facilitate resume-skimming and get readers’ attention. Clearly defined accomplishments help readers see at a glance the nature of your achievements — and your potential value in a new role. But the accomplishments themselves are only half the story — the way those accomplishments are conveyed is almost as important. Here are 3 examples of how your key accomplishments can be transformed with the dynamic, targeted writing and presentation in which a professional resume writer specializes.
Example #1
I helped my company bring in about $750,000 in new revenue.
Generated $750K new revenue by forging C-level relationships in high-potential markets.