Gardening is not only one of the healthiest hobbies you can have – both in terms of physical productivity and the “fruits” of your labour – but also one of the most sustainable. Still, depending on your practices (as well as your location), it can seem to be an ironically large waste of water, particularly here in Australia.
Some of the fastest return on investment you can get is by retrofitting a leaky, energy wasting building with high R-value insulation and efficient appliances. Many estimates show that US buildings use close to 50% of the total annual energy in the country- so this seems like a natural place to start if we want to conserve. But what if you’re building a house from scratch?
“Water, Water everyone, nor any drop to drink”
-Rime of the ancient mariner by Coleridge
We’ve all heard or read that “water is the new oil”, often as a pundit’s shorthand for some market prediction. Drinking water, we are told by analysts and environmentalists, is a rare, limited resource which the world is