New Energy Technologies’ SolarWindow is a promising photovoltaic solar technology that we have been following for a while. SolarWindow’s promise is to generate electricity on see-through glass. In conjunction with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the company has successfully fabricated the largest-area organic photovoltaic (OPV) module
New Energy Technologies
Last week New Energy Technologies went on the road to try out its MotionPower-Express system, which it calls the world’s first electricity-generating rumble strip. The test took place in the City of Roanoke, Virginia.
The demonstration took place at the Roanoke Civic
I’ve written before about the increasingly common challenge in obtaining U.S. registrations for eco-marks, i.e., the proscription against registering “merely descriptive” marks (see, e.g., my post about the HYBRID GREEN mark here).
Often the eco-marks include the term “GREEN,”
The glass that covers buildings across North America and elsewhere could become a source of solar electricity if a technology currently under development becomes commercially viable.
A company that works to develop a solar type of technology that generates electricity on see-thru glass announced that it has
The idea of turning whole buildings into envelopes to create power may sound almost too good to be true, but it is getting closer to becoming a reality.
The technology has a name: SolarWindow, which makes it possible to generate electricity on see-thru glass windows and is being developed by New Energy