This post is part of our series on free resume help. Learn why the format of your resume (and cover letter) is important.
You can’t judge a book by its cover — but you can, and will, judge a resume (and cover letter!) by its appearance. A recruiter’s first glimpse at your resume can make or break your chances of getting that resume read — and seriously considered. A professional resume writer is skilled at formatting your resume to maximize three things:
professional resume writer
You might have thought about how to write a (green) resume and even looked at resume samples. Chances are, you’ve spent many hours on your resume, carefully selecting the wording and details that you feel accurately portray your experience and achievements. So why hire an outsider to do the same thing all over again? Opting to have a professional resume writer create your resume doesn’t mean you’ve been sloppy or lazy; in fact, it shows you care enormously about how you come across on the page. Here’s an example of a position summary that was carefully created by a marketing professional — and the transformed version that was created by a professional resume writer.
Employing a professional resume writer is your best bet for developing a dynamic, attention-getting document that will get your foot in the door. In the meantime, however, there are a few things you can do to tweak your existing resume and put yourself on the path to resume success. These 5 tips will help strengthen and clarify your accomplishments and tighten your resume’s focus.
1. Separate your tasks from your achievements.
One of the best quick improvements you can make to your resume is to clearly separate your day-to-day tasks from your achievements for each of your job positions. If you’ve used bullet points for every item within a job description, put your day-to-day tasks in paragraph form, and save the bullets for the accomplishments. If your resume is bullet-free, tease out your achievements and make them stand out with bullets. If a reader has just a few seconds to skim your resume, make it easy for him or her to find your accomplishments fast—don’t bury them in a sea or words or a forest of bullets.
Clean Tech is sexy, and job seekers all around the world are looking for ways to enter this exciting market. But the job search can be daunting, and it can take months to land a job. Career changers with several years of experience in other industries are facing additional challenges as some are not confident applying directly for clean technology positions.
The best way to boost your confidence is to learn about the companies and technologies, to identify what you are passionate about, and to learn what roles your experience is best suited for. To do that, you need to research, attend conferences, and network! (See: Does Your CleanTech Job Hunt S***?)
The core tool you should have in your search is an outstanding resume. A professional resume writer can help you identify your most important skills, leverage your previous experience, and position yourself for a CleanTech job. CleanTechies talked to Andy Burnett, a seasoned Sales & Business Development professional, about his decision to work with a professional resume writer.
The title of this article is statistically correct. You may indeed have a great resume, but if so, you are in the minority.
If you are looking for a CleanTech job, and you think your resume looks great, you might want to run it by some friends – ideally with HR background. Most resumes out there are anything but good, not to say terrible. If you ever been a hiring manager, you know what I’m talking about: Five pages of resume for three years of work experience, endless task descriptions with no reference to notable achievements, useless information squished into a confusing layout, and a clutter of unrelated seminars, medals, and trophies – not to mention typos and grammatical mistakes…
The list of “no-goes” is long when it comes to writing a winning resume – and so is the record of tips and suggestions. But what does a winning resume look like?