Compost is a popular way to dispose of household organic waste, at least during the summer. Composting your household waste helps to speed up the natural process of its decay through the growth of aerobic bacteria. These aerobic bacteria eat away within your compost, and while doing so the bacteria become a type of natural heating force within the
A national “cool” roof campaign could save some 5.7 quad of net primary energy valued at $33 billion over the 20-year lifespan of an average roof, according to researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Heat Island Group.
The Case for Cool Roofs recommends a no-cost cool
Andasol, a gigantic farm with 600,000 parabolic mirrors that follow the sun on its daily path across the Earth, has gone online. The system occupies an area that equals the size of 210 football fields.
According to 9Billion, the project is on the Guadix plateau and is a cooperation between four German