Happy Earth Day… I hope you rode your bike to work, ate only vegetables, brought your own cup to Starbucks and followed the instructions in the signature line of your boss’ email and didn’t print it unless it was truly necessary.
If you are new around here – I was a Marine officer before running off to Europe for grad school and dedicating my professional life to sustainability. One of my happiest associations is with that group of men and women (the Marine Corps), and I can continue to do so through the Marines’ Memorial Association here in San Francisco. I’m very happy to support bringing relevant discussions to this venue that satisfy both my interests (likely yours if you are on this site) and that organization’s values, so if you have some ideas that need a venue and a good audience, please send me a note and we can chat about putting events together.
That said, next week you might want to mark your calendar for an event there and another fantastic event down the street at the Hotel Nikko.
On Wednesday evening the 29th I welcome you to join me in a discussion with the Former Director of the CIA and current Venture Capitalist Jim Woolsey speak about Energy, Security, and the Long War of the 21st Century. He is a terrific speaker and makes a very compelling argument to invest in local and distributed energy solutions that uphold the scrutiny of both conservatives and progressives alike (I’m not sure that those two words are necessarily always opposites).
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Energy, Security, and the Long War of the 21st Century
Time: 6:00pm-7:30 pm
Another fabulous event that is personally very interesting (as a half-Colombian and global citizen) and that I would have liked to participate more on is the “Implementation of Renewable Energy in the Emerging Markets of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.” The conference seeks to support what CleanTechies like us are all about – “getting it done” and creating partnerships between parties that bring different skill sets and opportunities to the table. They will have representatives from Nigeria, Botswana, Mauritius, Tanzania, Mozambique, Colombia, Mauritius, Rwanda…. (shall I continue?) India, Argentina… you get the picture. Visit their site, and I encourage you to go. The organizers have been working on the event for over six months and there is still some room.
Monday through Wednesday, April 27-29, 2009:
All Day Conference
Check out our events calendar for additional events (and please add more that aren’t in there). Here are two other events we are very proud to promote and support. The MIT Club of Northern California and the HBS Association of Northern California are co-hosting two events that are open to the public as part of their Business Careers in Clean Tech and Entrepreneurial Networking Series.
Monday, May 11, 2009:
How to apply your skill set and identify pathways into clean tech careers
Time: 6:00pm-8:30 pm
Anne Feldhausen, Hewlett Packard Marketing Manager for Green Business Technology Initiative
Mamoon Hamid, Principal at U.S. Venture Partners specializing in Clean Tech
Samir Kaul, Partner at Khosla Ventures and leader in the Clean Tech space
Mark Ostrau, Partner, Fenwick and West, member of Technology Transactions Group
And, for the more entrepreneurial a month later:
Monday, June 8th:
Starting a Clean Tech Business
Time: 6:00pm-8:30 pm
Matt Goldman, Co-founder and President Sustainable Spaces
Alex Kinnier, Partner at Khosla Ventures
Deborah Magid, Director, Software Strategy, IBM Venture Capital Group
Scott Newcomb, CEO Virgance
Both events are going to be held in the San Francisco “South” Bay at:
Fenwick and West
801 California St
First Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041