Kenya is no stranger to adaptation when it comes to food production. Kenya’s cultural and political underpinnings are reliant upon adaptation to current climatic conditions. Present predictions are that drastic adaptation will be necessary once again. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Association for Strengthening
weather patterns
Heat generated in major metropolitan areas is altering the character of the jet stream and other atmospheric systems, at times affecting the weather thousands of miles away, a new study says.
Writing in the journal Nature Climate Change, a team of scientists reports that so-called “waste heat”
Majority of Americans Believe Climate is Warming, Weather Less Stable
written by Yale Environment 360
The majority of Americans believe the climate is getting warmer and that global weather patterns are becoming more unstable, according to a new poll.
In a poll conducted by the Washington Post and Stanford University last month, six in 10 respondents said that weather patterns have been more unstable