After a crippling energy crisis in 2004, a result of a natural gas shortage created by a demand for the dwindling, high-priced supply, Argentina has increased their effort to diversify energy sources, and create more sources of renewable energy. Through much research and development, as well as attracting investments, Argentina is starting to build up its cleantech sector,
If you are planning to buy a new appliance or carry out some home improvement, or even retrofitting to make your home more energy efficient, you may want to check out a new web tool that searches for rebates in your area.
Hosted by Ennovationz, a Silicon Valley startup that connects consumers to green
From 2005 to 2010, Portugal was able to raise the amount of renewable energy in the country up to 45 percent. Portugal has always been very adamant about the inclusion of using renewable energy sources. The first part of the plan was introducing natural gas to replace coal and oil and energy market liberalization to the private market. Now, Portugal is solely
(Reuters) – Europe’s new energy strategy could lead to a 25 percent cut in greenhouse gases by the end of this decade and could ultimately cut fuel import bills roughly in half, a draft strategy paper shows.
The document was leaked amid renewed debate about whether the EU should
Some companies are taking action to address climate change in spite of international gridlock. Bombardier is one of those companies, having received accolades in Canada for it’s commitment to sustainable business practices to taking innovative engineering approaches to getting employees involved.
Chicago, the economic capital of Illinois, has constantly been responding to the increasing need for new sources of clean energy. Chicago currently has more than two megawatts of solar generating capacity. Chicago has had many other accomplishments since 2008. They have been able to buy more than 20 percent of
Picture this: You wake up in the morning – it’s still dark out. You have to get up for work. You rub your eyes too hard, yawn really big, flop over on your side in defiance of actually putting your feet on the cold ground, sigh a little bit (or wail a lot, if you’re me), then, finally, you get up. Your feet feel a little tingly as the nerves in them go through the same above-mentioned
Ohio, in 2008, created their own renewable portfolio standard that necessitated 25 percent of the overall energy in Ohio is created out of advanced energy sources by the year 2025. According to the portfolio, more than half of the energy created, must come from in-state sources. The impact of this standard and the venture into clean
A recent article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune featured a Montevideo, Minn., business owner who upgraded his energy equipment with the help of his local utility. On the surface, it may not seem newsworthy – thousands of businesses in Minnesota and across the country partner with their local utility to take advantage of energy efficiency rebate programs.
When Obama unveiled his “Better Building Initiative” last week, it wasn’t just the usual architects, builders, and energy efficiency service companies that perked up with interest. A whole new segment of energy efficiency companies saw opportunity: the innovators.
Emissaries from the high tech world, the
On February 1, 2011 the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco passed an ordinance amending the San Francisco Environment Code to adopt the San Francisco Existing Commercial Buildings Energy Performance Ordinance, requiring owners of non-residential buildings to conduct Energy Efficiency Audits of their
Over the past 25 years, the State of New York has been a national leader in many cleantech initiatives, including its state-wide programs to promote renewable and sustainable energies, reductions in carbon emissions, and recycling programs, just to name a few. Specifically, the State of New York has created administrative agencies
In October 2010, Henry Gifford filed a lawsuit against the United States Green Building Council alleging, essentially, that the USGBC had fraudulently represented the performance of LEED buildings, and doctored study results to support their claim that LEED buildings performed more efficiently than standard construction. Yesterday, Henry Gifford filed an amended
I recently had the chance to take part in an excellent green data center conference in San Diego. In between trying to soak up as much solar radiation as possible, I had the chance to test the pulse of the green data center movement with a diverse group of data center professionals and specialist consultants.